Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Tub Of Lard" Or As My Dad Says "Tubba Lard"

Oh hai!
Check it out!

Jihee needs a bicycle because Jihee is interested in now only riding her bicycle to work. Point those fingers in the right directionez.
Ive gotten soft here.
I know I know.
Its time to stare at the clothes that dont fit anymore and fear sob in the dark corners of my room while the small fights with the jumbo. :(

But seriously folks.
Its time.
Thankfully, my daily morning sun salutations have kept my roots aligned.
But seriously folks.
Its bicycle time!

And in other more important news.
I will be moving in 10 months.
I do not like calling my apartment "home".
I do not like being far from Chip and Otto in fact I hate the distance between us.
I do not like quiet hours.
I do not like smelling other peoples foods when I cant have any.
I do not like hearing my neighbors having sex esp since the sexing coming from my neighbors sound very unsexy.
I do not like how I can not have my supper outside in the back yard.
I do not like how I cant wait on the front porch with my gun.
I hate that Linda has only one window to watch out of.
I hate that I cant own drums.
And I hate that I cant have a geodesic dome in my home.

(Proof. This was ours in Chicago.)

But seriously forks, will I be able to hangge on for 10 months so I can finally make my home a magical home for sure for sure for sure?!

Lets ask some pallies.

Hai baby squid, can I hang on?

Oh lil' bunn. can I hang on for a little longer?

Haaaay crab man, can I hang? On?

Oh guten morn Hombré, can you stop laughing and tell me?

Hai there seahorsles, can I do it?

Hie STL college days, can I hang on?

Bag of gatorade! Can I hang on?! Like you?!

Bison holding Bison book, Will it happen?!

Serge Gainsbourg! Can I hang? In your coffin?!

Lonely Hot Dog can I hang? With you?

Ladies can I hang?!

Toe got your tongue guy, can I wait it out?!

Tim Reardon can I hang on to your mom's wheelchair?

Best friends can I hang on?!

Mom, can I hang on?

Dancers. Can I?

Oh Mugatu can I?

Steven Segal jamming, can I hang on?

Best studio band ever Polyrock. Can I?

Oh geez.
If Ive waited this long for happy times then I can wait 10 filthy months.
See! Im smiling with teeth.
A rare moment but a sure sign of happy.

photo by abarrans

Thanks pallies!

1 comment:

  1. You had me at "bison holding bison book" - seriously, girl.

    Also, you look just like your mom!


My Fangs