Thursday, June 25, 2009

Raddical Sabbatical #2

Get blown to bits.

Currently, things have been on that slower tip.
Workwise and brainwise.
But not funwise.
I think if anything I have never had so much fun in all my life.
Ok this is a full on lie.
Perhaps the most fun I ever had

Today, Travis shared a new discovery.

Its a giant hamster that also goes by Capybara and/or Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris.
Its origins; South America.
And its favorite food; The Popsicle.

Here are a few facts:

"His voice is often mistaken for a birdsong. When he’s nervous he sounds like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. When he’s happy he sounds like a Geiger counter."
"The day Caplin bit me I posted a blog expressing both of our confusion over the event and his subsequent hostility. Over time, I realized he intended me to be part of his herd and I was not cooperating. Eventually we worked through this."

Thank you Travis. I will never murdering spree you. Yet.

And in the "News You Can Use" department, Joel and Rosanna like to eat their meat on bread, in the form of a sandwich.

And in more important news, I have located the 2001: A Space Odyssey screenplay.
This and Brain Candy are my most favorite movies of all time.
Actually, that's another lie.
But theyre way up there.

Also, I kind of want to go here and howl.


  1. 2001, Hawkwind & Brain Candy are all really epic. Maybe it's time to board a longboat and slay the kraken?

  2. The Capybara is in the mail and should arrive in no more than 3 days and no less than one week.

    Possible names for HIM: Sampson, Mr. Boweevil, Taco Face, Keith or... Munchie McGeiger Counter.

  3. youve never heard of a capybara?? go to a zoo, lady!

  4. It's pronounced "sangwich", thank you very much.

  5. I think Keith works! And the "sangwich" hardly sang. As it was completely dead. But im sure fill with life going down down down into that pit of acid which is, your stomach.


My Fangs