Monday, June 22, 2009

My Whole World Is Falling Apart and/or Taking a Stab At Dramatics

Of course it took Arianna, bless her heart, to turn Linda over to examine Linda's genitalia.

Oh god I dont even know how to begin.
Awash in betrayal and now feeling so confused.
Linda is a Larry.

I suppose David Shrigley can best describe how I am feeling.
Or rather, how my fist is feeling.

Oh Linda.
How did this happen?
We were together for so long.
And I dressed you in your finest and you didnt even say a word, not a single word!

Ive been holding you so high under falsities and I feel like we need to start our relationship over.

And I like snails.

(lets thank my brother for his kickass camera and his not so round eye for capturing my homeless hands and this furly little friend)

1 comment:

  1. i think it's okay if linda is a larry. you can still call your friend linda. s/he won't mind i daresay.


My Fangs