Wednesday, June 3, 2009

C'est Bonne, C'est Vrai, My Dear Dear Moolay

I feel like today is going to be a good day.
Here are reasons why.

1. I will experience my first pacific northwest 88 degrees.

2. Susan Miller of astrologyzone says June will be my best month yet, with July to follow, and all those years of practicing my smile will finally finally pay off.

3. I am a fucking bullet with Seth's Proma pipe.

4. The new bagpack Stephanie gave me will revoluntionize my riding style.

5. Arianna gave me the haircut Ive been desperately needing. I like to call it The Bubble Short Long. Its a 70s bubble mullet and I use the word mullet VERY VERY lightly. So lightly and so mysteriously that its pronounced moolay. Try it. Or rather WRITE THAT DOWN.

6. I have to go on a solo roadtrip to Puyallup and Tacoma today in the company car. I am totally going to Wal-Mart.

7. I ate my banana before it turned leprosy black.

8. I usually wake up to NPR but last night I hooked my shit up to wake me to Death In June and I laid in bed with my arms crossed over my chest and smiled and loved the morning, to death.

9. Camera Obscura will drive my hands into my hair where it will shake it and shake while internally screaming.

10. I Could Dance All Night Like Im a Soul Buoy.

11. I love my dress.

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