Wednesday, October 7, 2009

West Coast Is The Best Coast / TRUE

I feel like Ive just returned from the most relaxing vacation EVAR.
And no, I was not in Bali, Cinque Terre, the White Cliffs of Dover, or Cabo.

I was in Atwater, CA. A city so flat and boring with only the Super Target to grace the skies.
However, to be honest, more time was spent in/on the bus than at Atwater.
And I am more than ok with that.
Especially since I was stuck with the most excellent company.

This weekend might have been the most white trash weekend of my life.
Also, I did not remove my shoes for 4 days and 3 nights.
Im suffering from foul feet but will now religiously wear socks.

This is where I tip my hat at Allison/Liz Lemon.

The Pulini Cap races were exciting friends.
I do recommend going at least every time.
Not only were we brought together to gaze and gasp but we were all brought together in every drunken and drug induced glory.

Fights and crashes, walking in circles not knowing what to do with oneself and eating another cookie, being weirded out by GO-PEDS, and in awe of the little ones riding pocket bikes,

wishing I had a bike to race and a change of shoes, and loving the Californe sun poisoning our skin,

campin on dirt and living in a parking lot,

learning how to play dice, nail bitin for Nerdspeed,

replacing water with RockStar energy drinks, because they were free, and filling all of our lungs with funk and farts.

And watching, standing, shouting in awe.
Travis raced on a whim and/or just cuz (ok ok thanks to Cuperteen Zack for getting all "blued up" (a term I use in every grossed out way) and letting T race as Z). You could think Travis honed in his wicked skills but SRSLY YOU GUYS.
He's is a natural. Coming in 4th. Stealing all our hearts.

Travis having a moment with big red.

And that nice Cuperteen boy who Travis raced as and blew everyones minds.

Then the bus broke down and instead of taking 17 hours to get home it took us 35 hours.
That means 30 miles an hour down I-5.
That means peoples brains being broken for 35 hours straight.
That means being in the gentle care of Responsible Jon, Matt S'Math, Columbus Josh and Scewb.

That means playing in the park like a bunch of retarded children.
That means actually taking the time to admire Oregon's beauty (note: the only Oregon I had ever really seen was Grandmas House GRODY TO THE MAXI PAD!!!).

That means boredom + crazy people = spazzing til brains fizzle out.

And it did.
Sleeping never hurt until then.
But worth every single sore.
Also, I beat the second bad dewd in Zelda:The Minish Cap.
Also, I ordered fries from Dennys but the lady gave me RICE.
Also, remember when Kurt said he wasnt going? What a JERG.
Im glad Kart Bust went instead because I HAAAAATE the other one.

Oh hai you two.


Oh hai Dean youre a graceful crasher.

This weekend was the best end to summer, known to man.

And in other news, I have never been happier.

Cheers new life, cheers.


  1. According to my camera pictographs, the ride down took approximately 18 hours, and the ride home was almost exactly 36 hours. GET IT RIGHTE HOLMES.


My Fangs