Friday, May 22, 2009

Songs I Sing While Riding My Moped

(Oh Scott Walker I do! I do!)

I dont usually sing this but I hum it a whole lot and also this video is fucking kick ass!

Ok and I saved the best for last but since this world is cruel, I am unable to embed.
But it would look like this.

I mean come on you guys its Mariah in a clamshell.
I mean come on you guys its M A R I A H.
And I love her more than my own life sometimes.

I suppose this will suffice.

Spring is here, love.

1 comment:

  1. Here are the songs that I'm ALWAYS singing when I'm on my moped:
    Or anything by Fishmans, really.
    ...sorry, you don't get to listen to that one.

    Now you know. Or whatever.


My Fangs