Monday, November 30, 2009

Thank Ye

Everyone, I am thankful for many things, things that I will now list until I feel like it.

1. Isabella Rossellini

2. The French Fry

3. Neon

4. Explorations In Space and Sea

5. Fashion

6. Learning

7. Linda

8. Michael Keaton In Most Films

9. Baked Ruffles

10. The Mash of Jeff and Eddies brains

11. Places Like Italy

12. Lomography

13. Craftsmanship

14. Fiber Optics

15. Glitter

16. My Grandparents Youth

17. The Mulleavy Sisters

18. A Proper Greeting and Goodbye Between Good Friends

19. The Power of Thread

20. The Weirdos of The World

21. Neil Young's Pitch

22. The Movies

23. Sharing Our Feelings

24. Soulmates

25. Korn Fud

26. Krazy Glue

27. Irreplaceable Shapes and Sounds

28. Soft Pansy

29. The Dictonary, Esp One On A Stand

30. Animals Who Share Their Views

31. The Awful Hen and The Man Who Introduced Me To Chip


32. Nature

33. My Sister Rhanasaurus Rex, Ronald or Rhotato Salad

I want to finish this later because I have something more important to talk about.
During the last few hours of our most excellent 23hr date, after a wonderful walk through the park and a run-in with a green ghost, Travis and I found something so spectacular, it could have only been a sign from Ganesh, Gomorrah, Goldeneye.

Tired and waiting for us, we discovered this hungry creature propped up against a tree.

When we found shelter, we checked to see if it was injured in any way.
And it wasnt.


You can find our review here.

Needless to say, something someone was trying to reach out to us to tell us something, to share a bit of news.

And the news was good.
And we shoot. We score.

Thank ye, thank ye.


My Fangs