Thursday, November 19, 2009

Inside Out

Lets see.
What do I have what do I have going on in my um what do I have in my...

No no what is going on in here oh wait.
Oh here.

I refuse to let the rain get to me.
I refuse to let the rain get to me.
I refuse to let the rain get to me.

I have only eaten sugar today and I crashed about 4 hours ago am now on auto-pilot.
In an empty container that once held flax butter I packed rice for lunch today.
Well being half brained this morning I grabbed the actual tub of flax butter.
I mean, my god, the horrifying discovery threw me into a panic and I grabbed for a mango that had been waiting for me in the fridge. And a bucket of caramel corn.
And now I feel like falling into a deep pit and clawing mud and dirt to cover me.
Im drowning in a numb haze.
And the only light on is the one where I am here.

and here

and here

and here

and here

and here

and here

and here

Im putting my foot down and not going to let the rain win.
Adventure camp this weekend.
Lets get lost in the woods.

Love now.

1 comment:

  1. i love the new look for your blog. it's awesome. also, i really want to be that girl on the back of the train.


My Fangs