Monday, August 16, 2010

Thought Stewing

I recently finally finally saw Inception and was spectacularly blown away. I was! Should seen my hair! OUT OF CONTROL.
I will not go into much detail or gripe about things I found questionable but I will share one thing...

Had Ellen Page not been chosen to be the (very asexual) ingenue of this film, who would be most appropriate? I couldnt help but run a few favorite faces in my mind.

1. Oliver Platt

Witty, always charming and makes any labcoat fashionable, Oliver Platt would have been my number one choice. Here he is looking very charismatic.

2. Michael Keaton

I really dont need to explain. Except that he, like all architects, have no shame in picking their nose.

3. Zach Galifianakis

Again, needs no explanation. He is multi-faceted. I refuse to fight any naysayers.

4. Luis Guzman

To fulfil the "hispanic" quota. And also RAD NEAT COOL HOMBRE categories. And an homage to all those who appreciate his ART.

Oh boy. Can you even fathom this idea of dream invasion?
I mean, of course you can. But how often do you truly stew in the thought?

I usually stew like this

and like this

and like this

How do you usually stew?

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