Monday, December 14, 2009

Apologies For Not Improving Your Daily Life, Daily

Id be blogging every day if I could.
I know for a fact that everyone visits this blogge to boost their health levels to a near max.
And because Ive been blogging less and less these days, I apologize.
I apologize for not making your life better.
I apologize for this blogge for not making your every day the best day of your lives.

Dont cry.
I lay in this torrent of letters, threats and pictures.
Of how your lives have fallen to the perils of eternal darkness.
But fear not.
I will be able to blogge more and more as soon as I find the perfect raptop.

So until then, you may continue to send me your photos.
But please, please dont cry, die, listen to these on repeat (or do but only because of how wonderful they are), binge drink, thrash around like this kid, and/or lock yourself in that closet.

If you have fallen into despair please please I too am feeling the following regarding the lack of quality and quantity of these blogge posts.


  1. this entry sucks.
    I want a redo.


  2. OH GAAAAAAAD i know this entry sucks thats why i need a HOME computer. tell MOM! no dont because im scared of her on the interwobbles.


My Fangs