Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This Is What Its Been Like Since Ive Lived Here and Radical Sabbatical #1

I have lived in Seattle and this is what its like.

"Is it going to rain today?"

Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.
Yes it is.
No its not.

The emotions of this typical interaction generally produce a feeling such as my face, shown here in fig. 13.

fig. 13

I think MicroSoft Excel is kick ass.
Carefully managing my time to compile lists upon lists in perfectly organized fashion about many things such as :

-Things to grow in my garden
-The "artists" that resided in my now depressed and unresponsive 3rd generation iPod
-Animals I would like to own
-Places I would like to go
-International Flights
-Places to learn how to surf
-Reasons why I have to move again
-Things to buy
-Baby names
-Movies to watch
-Books to read
-Things to bring when camping
-Symptoms of a heart attack and stroke
-Names of my biography

The excitement I get from these lists transform me into a better place.
A Radical Sabbatical, if you will.

And you will!

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